Dinner Recipes Beat Takeout.

You know it. You're tempted to order takeout on a hectic weeknight when everyone is hungry.  

Don’t. Years of using these 11 dinner recipes have never made me want takeout.This Broccoli Chicken Cheese Casserole hides broccoli in gooey, delicious cheese, so finicky diners won't even notice.   

Plus, it's the best casserole!This Pasta Puttanesca is ready in about 30 minutes. It cooks quickly and contains few ingredients, so your family won't believe it's not a sophisticated Italian supper.  

Ordering pizza for dinner is simple. However, that costs. With this fast, no-rise pizza dough recipe, you can host a pizza party at home for pennies.  

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Dinner can be saved on busy weeknights using a slow cooker or Crock Pot. My family begs me to make this “fried” chicken recipe again.  

I bet yours will after tasting it.After making the rapid, no-rise pizza dough, incorporate in goat cheese for a surprising yet wonderful flavor in your pizza sauce.  

this recipe beats Mexican restaurant food. Use leftover rice, chicken, and cheese to make something delicious and unique using just 5 ingredients.  

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