Not everyone likes the outdoors, including dogs! Check out our top indoor dogs! Due to rising home costs, more people can only afford modest apartments in high rises.
Unfortunately, some individuals assume they can't have a dog in a tiny city. If you live in an apartment or urban area, you may not have a fenced yard or much outside space.
Your home doesn't have a large yard or outdoor enclosure? You can still have a dog. Some dogs would be happy as indoor-only pets if their needs are addressed.
It appears you need our top indoor dogs. In these situations, choose a dog who enjoys indoors time.
There are a few factors to consider while picking an indoor dog breed that will fit your family. All dogs are unique.
Even indoor dogs vary in appearance and personality. Before seeing our slideshow of the best breeds for indoor dwellers, consider the following.
The most obvious factor when choosing an indoor dog is size. Some dogs will struggle to fit into a smaller environment.